The Benefits Of The Mobile Experience With Sharepoint 2016

There are dozens of new features with SharePoint 2016. One of them is the Sharepoint mobile experience, a great feature that provides an array of benefits. Understanding just how beneficial it can be to have a mobile experience with this Microsoft program can ensure you utilize it properly for your business. This blog post explains some of the features and associated benefits of the SharePoint 2016 mobile experience.

Custom Views

You have the ability to create and use custom views for site pages. You can go from mobile view to PC view within moments, simply by tapping tiles or links. This will allow you to choose the most convenient way to access a site. You can also adjust how site pages are displayed on a tablet.

Touch Enabled

The mobile experience is enhanced dramatically because of being touch enabled. This allows you to use more mobile devices and get the best possible experience out of it. Many programs are not set up for touch, which can make it difficult to use a program because of trying to navigate through using a mouse or pulldown menus. By being able to tap all the links and tiles, you will be able to go through all that SharePoint 2016 has to offer in a timely fashion, regardless of whether you are using a smart phone, an iPad, or a tablet.

On the Go Capabilities

In today’s day and age, it is all about multi-tasking and being able to get work done wherever you go. You no longer have to be glued to your desk throughout the work day and that’s because of what SharePoint 2016 has to offer. The mobile experience allows you to tap into the document and content management system regardless of where you may be. This allows you to get work done, tap into business intelligence modules, and more. As long as you have an internet connection, you can have access to all of the relevant business information you need.


One of the other features of SharePoint is that of encryption. This goes hand in hand with the mobile experience because it allows you to pull up the information without having to worry about being hacked, or about the information falling into the wrong hands. The password-protected space simply allows you access to what you need to get the job done, regardless of whether you are in the office, at lunch, or sitting on the train.

Work with Clients in Any Setting

When you take advantage of the mobile experience with SharePoint 2016, you have the ability to work with clients in any setting. You can go to the homepage of a team site in order to show off what has been developed. This includes going over a timeline, pulling information from the cloud, and much more. This can provide a significant amount of convenience, and ensure that the information that you need is always available, regardless of whether you meet with a client in their office, in a hotel boardroom, or even a coffee shop.

The mobile experience is one of the top reasons for people switching to SharePoint 2016. It’s just one of the many features, and this combined with compliance features, durable links, encrypted connections, and more make it a viable solution within your business. You can embrace it easily enough, and ensure that it integrates with the other programs you have in place as well.

To learn more about the benefits of SharePoint 2016, contact cFocus Software Incorporated today.

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Established in 2006, cFocus Software automates FedRAMP compliance and develops government chatbots for the Azure Government Cloud, Office 365, and SharePoint.

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